ワシリー・カンディンスキー|Wassily Kandinsky

Study for Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No.4 (Carnival, Winter ), 1914 Study for Panel for Edwin R. Campbell No.4 (Carnival, Winter ), 1914 Collection of the Miyagi Museum of Art
ワシリー・カンディンスキー|Wassily Kandinsky
1866年モスクワ(ロシア)生まれ。幼いころより素描および音楽を学ぶ。モスクワ大学で法学、国民経済学を学ぶが、のちに画家になることを決意し、ミュンヘン美術アカデミーで学ぶ。1910年に最初の抽象絵画を制作し、1912年には抽象芸術論『芸術における精神的なもの』を出版。また、フランツ・マルクらとともに芸術年鑑『青騎士』を刊行。1922年よりバウハウスで教鞭をとるが、ナチスに 「退廃芸術」とみなされ、多くの作品が没収される。1933年フランスに亡命、1944年パリ近郊で死去。 
Born in Moscow, Russia, in 1866. He studied drawing and music from an early age. He studied law and national economics at the Lomonosov Moscow State University. Later deciding to become an artist, he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts, Munich. He produced his first abstract painting in 1910, and published the book Concerning the Spiritual in Art in 1912. He also participated in the publication of an annual arts almanac, The Blue Rider with Franz Marc, etc. He taught at the Bauhaus from 1922, but his work was later branded 'degenerate art' by the Nazis who confiscated many of his paintings. He sought asylum in France in 1933 and died in the suburbs of Paris in 1944.